End Mills Set



Add the End Mills Set to your order. A great set of basic 1 – 6mm end mills to get you started in machining aluminum and steel.

Kit contents include:

  • 2 of each: 1mm, 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, 6mm uncoated 3F carbide end mills for Aluminum
  • 2 of each: 1mm, 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, 6mm coated 4F carbide end mills for general Steel
  • 2 of each: 4mm ball mill for aluminum, 4mm ball mill for steel
  • 1 piece 4mm chamfer mill
  • 1 piece 10mm insert mill, with 10 inserts for aluminum, and 10 inserts for steel (with screwdriver)

All end mills and insert mills are identical to those shown on the YouTube channel.

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